Trees are often seen as purely functional or ornamental objects. They decorate city streets. They give us shady spots for resting and relief from the sun. They provide us with paper, fuel, fruit, and nuts. These benefits are obvious.
However, some of their benefits are invisible to the naked eye. Forests are quietly working in the background, secretly cleaning our water, filtering our air, and protecting us from climate change. They provide food, medicine, and fuel for more than one billion people who might not have access to these resources from anywhere else. They house more than three-quarters of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity and are homes to many of the world’s poorest people.
Forests are our quiet helpers. They have been quietly playing a bigger role in our day-to-day lives than we realize.
Currently the Ferguson Tree Nursery produces over 1.7 million seedlings a year and will be soon increasing that to 2 million seedlings a year. Knowing the importance of forests, this is also an appropriate time to recognize an FFCC partnership with Canada’s Forest Trust (CFT) Corporation, a leading and innovative Environmental, Social and Governance company that leverages natural solutions to tackle climate change. CFT has secured several key partners in its bid to build thousands of forests in Canada to move our country closer to net-zero carbon emissions. The Ferguson Tree Nursery in addition to providing seedlings to CFT will also serve as a Centre of Excellence for CFT's initiatives. The FFCC has sub-leased twelve acres of land to CFT for the planting of a model smart forest. In conjunction with CFT, we are establishing a Future Forester Program which will shine a bright spotlight on post-secondary studies in the field of forestry and the wide diversity of rewarding job opportunities in the forestry profession.
So, it is incumbent on us all to recognize the importance of forests and our need to grow more forests. In support of the 2022 International Day of Forests, the Ferguson Forest Centre Corporation:
- Will continue to provide policy and direction to the not-for-profit Ferguson Tree Nursery and invest in afforestation including the purchase and installation of two (2) new greenhouses in 2022 to generate 250,000 seedlings; and
- Invites the community to spend recreational and contemplative time on our forest trails and in our woods to think about the value that forests provide to us and the planet; and
- Invites high school students for an educational tour of the Nursery when deemed appropriate; and
- Encourages residents to plant a tree in the spring.